Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Rampage Nears its End!

It's been 3 straight weekends, 2 separate trips Up North, 2 weeks of work, 1 week of vacation, and lots of juggling of mid-week runs, but the Rampage is nearly complete.

I'm headed to KC tomorrow morning, but this weekend's 16 miler is already in the books. The alarm went off at 4am today, and I walked back into the house at 7:06 after 16 miles in just under 162 minutes, a 10:07 pace, which is just fine for me.

The good news is that now I can head down to KC to celebrate Petey Raindrops' upcoming nuptuals with absolutely no Running Guilt! (There is plenty of guilt associated with leaving one's wife to be sole caretaker to a 15month old boy on a weekend when she has to work each day, but that's another story. At least running isn't in the cards for this weekend.) This trip is all about Baseball, BBQ, Beer, and Golf, and I. Can't. Wait.

I'll have another update, including some photos from the vacation/trips when I get back next week. Till then, keep on runnin'


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